Winter Olympics '06: Five Locals in Torino. Report #3, Benveneto from Sestriere!

Daron's former coach from Squaw, Jeff Rouse, commented: "Daron was very calm and comfortable;' he was just testing the track and line. With the second training run tomorrow (Fri.), Daron will probably let the hammer down, but not completely, because he doesn't want to show his cards for the big race on Sunday."

Eric Poulsen--Olympic Legend

In 1972, at the Sapporo Winter Olympics on the island of Hokkaido, Japan, the United States had high hopes to win a medal in alpine skiing. The men were lead by Rick Chaffee, Bob Cochran, Tyler Palmer, and Hank Kashiwa, all members of the successful 1970 Val Gardena World Championship squad when Billy Kidd captured the gold in Combined, an American first.

Sierra Longboarding

California skiing actually got its start during the winter of 1853, not as a sport per se, but as a form of transportation over deep snow. Scandinavians, who arrived during the Gold Rush, introduced the concept of skiing and soon miners were traveling over Sierra snow on simple wooden planks, pushing themselves with one long pole.

Winter Olympics '06: Five Locals in Torino. Report #2, Setting the Scene

Non-timed runs begin on the 9th with timed training on Friday and Saturday. The big downhill show is at high noon on Sunday. It should be something.

U.S. Team is Primed
I spoke with the U.S. Ski Team Head Ski Coach, Phil

Winter Olympics '06: Five Locals in Torino. Report #1, Getting Started

We have a 3-bedroom apartment right in the center of town. It has a view of the mountains and we look straight out over the course for the Men's and Women's downhill alpine competitions. We hung a "SKI SQUAW VALLEY" banner off our deck for the
world to see.

On the Hill

Unchanging Lake Tahoe

Nature, with its springtimes of inspiration, its summers of work, its autumns of completion, and its winters of rest and contemplation, is a constant upon which we can depend. It's the natural alternative to synthetic stimulation and excitement.

Three Squaw Skiers at 2006 Olympics to do "Course Slipping"

"It's a lot of work. We're on course before daylight and usually don_t quit until the end of day," says Rouse, 46, a Palisades Tahoe race coach since 1981. "The job only pays in room, board, and experience, but we wouldn't miss it for anything."

Edith Thys--Olympic Legend

Edith Thys
Heading into the 1988 Calgary Winter Games, most of the U.S. Women's alpine team fortunes rested in--or had only recently left--a hospital ward.

Far West: Trainer of Nordic Champions

Far West, a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to training kids and adults to be better Nordic skiers. It provides coaches and trains those coaches for elementary, middle school, and high school cross-country ski programs.
