Winter Olympics '06: Five Locals in Torino. Report #1, Getting Started

We have a 3-bedroom apartment right in the center of town. It has a view of the mountains and we look straight out over the course for the Men's and Women's downhill alpine competitions. We hung a "SKI SQUAW VALLEY" banner off our deck for the
world to see.

On the Hill
Working with the Italians on the hill so far has been a lot of fun. We (Jeff Rouse, Johnnie Holbrook, and Dick Banfield) have been slippin' the course and setting up the B net. The officials fired up the lights on the slalom hill and you wouldn't believe how bright it gets!

The Town
The town is ramping up every day; people are friendly and appreciative. Soon the WORLD WILL BE HERE. It is inspiring to watch the town grow as the big day approaches: The Opening Ceremony on Friday.

We celebrated Jeff's birthday last night, Italian style, at our favorite bar...Mario's (of course). The ladies (Ann Banfield and Susan Rouse) are right in the middle of it all. Their volunteer jobs are to write down the times for the alpine events. Susan will sit at the bottom at the finish; Ann will be up top.     --By Banfields, Holbrook, and Rouses

Will keep you posted...
Susan and Jeff
Dick and Ann

Editor's Note: These reports to Tahoetopia are being coordinated by Robert Frohlich, a veteran Olympic journalist.

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