Winter Olympics '06: Five Locals in Torino. Report #2, Setting the Scene

Non-timed runs begin on the 9th with timed training on Friday and Saturday. The big downhill show is at high noon on Sunday. It should be something.

U.S. Team is Primed
I spoke with the U.S. Ski Team Head Ski Coach, Phil
McNichol, while working the course. He said that the team is primed and looking forward to having the racetracks slipped smooth by the three boys from Palisades Tahoe. Hey, that's us.

We saw Marco Sullivan inspecting part of the downhill. After work we hooked up with him at the Swiss House (home to all Swiss Olympians, families, etc.) and then shuffled over to the USA House for dinner. Unlike most Tahoe cops, the local authorities are really friendly and welcoming. Later on at Mario's, Susan danced with the local carbinero. His name is Damiano, and he bought several rounds of drinks for all.

The weather continues to be beautiful, cold, and crisp with bright blue skies. The forecast looks to hold through Sunday for the first of many Olympic alpine events. Working for these Italians has its benefits; the lunches they serve us are incredible...a new eating high.

In the Center
The apartment the five of us are staying at continues to blow our minds. We each have our own rooms and the house is in the center of all the activity. We have a view of all the alpine events. At night we watch a beautiful alpenglow and then soak in the brightly illuminated slalom course. It gives us the chills to see. What an experience...and the Olympics haven't even started!    ---By Banfields, Holbrook, and Rouses

Susan and Jeff
Dick and Ann

Editor's Note: Robert Frohlich, a veteran Olympic journalist, is coordinating these reports to Tahoetopia.

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