Snow for the Soul

But pleasures are like poppies spread--
You seize the flower, its bloom is shed;
Or like snow falls in the river--
A moment white...then melts forever.
--Robert Burns 1759-1796

Taming Avalanches at Squaw Valley

During and immediately after winter storms, deep accumulations of fresh snow, wind driven snow deposition, and dramatic temperature changes can make the slopes unstable and extremely hazardous.

Winter Olympics '06: Five Locals in Torino. Report #6, Gold; Oompah Music

Daron also thought there were a couple spots in the course where his tips tried to cross. Either way, he had a smile on his face and was ready to HAMMER DOWN in the Super G and CS.

Winter Olympics '06: Five Locals in Torino. Report #5, Party Time

We're celebrating, too. Here's to Ted Ligerty! We were on the course watching his smoking second run. He just killed it to win the combined. The Americans should have been one and two. Bode posted the top downhill run and then smoked the first run of the slalom only to be disqualified.

Memories IV of Snow Festivals Past

#7 Family Affair
"The first carnival was in a tent in the Safeway parking lot next to the State Park. It was pretty experimental but the tent didn't fall down! The North Shore has always lacked attention, so Snowfest was an attempt to get something started. It was very much a family affair...and still is." Fritzi Briner

#8 Fireworks

Jennifer Merchant of the North Shore

Merchant's parents not only instilled in her an appreciation for public transportation, but also a passion for public service. Merchant's mother was an activist, marching with the Reverend Jesse Jackson on the streets of Chicago in the 1960s and organizing a Santana concert with Bill Graham in San Francisco to send the local youth symphony to Austria.

Nordic XC Trails at Sugar Pine Opened for Use

Antonucci gave a short overview of the many things accomplished in 1960, at Sugar Pine, for XC competition. Then the band of colorfully dressed visitors headed off through the tall trees on the Blue Trail. With the group was Martin Hollay, a local, who worked on the trails from January 1959 until May of 1960.

I.V. Tax Revolt: The Nitty-Gritty of Property Appraisals

The tax revolt has caused a stir in Washoe County government circles and in Carson City as well where Nevada legislators have new property tax legislation under consideration. The purpose of this article is to examine why the difficult wording in current laws disables Washoe County Appraisers, creates many taxpayer misconceptions, and generates some odd outcomes in the tax bills to be paid.

Living With Water

Even regular days of sunshine come with a price; we feel we must "do something" to take full advantage of the rays and ease of movement. The good news is that we have at hand the perfect antidote for stress from any source. We have the lake and the river, which are one in the same, really.

Winter Olympics '06: Five Locals in Torino. Report #4, Gold Fever

Marco did so well considering his last few years of rehab. He was so close to qualifying. We were all sad...but joyous at the same time because he did so well.
