Memories IV of Snow Festivals Past

#7 Family Affair
"The first carnival was in a tent in the Safeway parking lot next to the State Park. It was pretty experimental but the tent didn't fall down! The North Shore has always lacked attention, so Snowfest was an attempt to get something started. It was very much a family affair...and still is." Fritzi Briner

#8 Fireworks
"During one of the first years there were fireworks on the Commons Beach. That year there was a sky full of low-lying clouds. The fireworks shot into the clouds and exploded. The water droplets in the atmosphere magnified the fireworks to make it an incredible, surreal moment. Tahoma resident Dave Antonucci.

This series of remembrances is being complied for Tahoetopia primarily by Robert Frohlich. "FRO" is a thirty-year resident of North Tahoe.

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