Squaw Valley—Extreme, Part II of II

"The atmosphere at Palisades Tahoe has always equaled a penchant for risk. It is matter of fact," explained the late Norm Simmons, who became known in the sixties for his epic leaps off KT's Eagle's Nest.

Here is the balance of the seven events that helped propagate the Palisades Tahoe legend.

Squaw Valley—Extreme, Part I of II

Strapping on their stiff wooden boards, they descended down a narrow rock-walled needle of snow, over forty degrees of slope. It was beyond rational thought, but in one afternoon the two alpinists redefined the limits of skiing.

New Snow, Sun, and Super Skiing!

After three weeks of sunny days and above average temperatures, what will probably go down as one of the driest Januaries closed out with with a muted bang.

Early January '09 Snow Report--Tahoe

The first 2/3rds of January '09, however, were bone dry at Lake Tahoe and very warm. With low sun angles and cold nights, the skiing was good on the groomed, corduroy runs at the resorts, but off-trail and in the backcountry, conditions were sketchy.

COUNTDOWN BEGINS: 50th Anniversary of 1960 Games

The season’s events will culminate with the 10-day Olympic Heritage Celebration, scheduled for January 8-17, 2010, prior to the 2010 Olympic Games being held in February in Vancouver, British Columbia. Planned events will include races, celebrations, parades, interpretive tours, reenactments, and more.

WARREN'S WORLD: Skiing & Hard Work

I was instinctively aware that once the snow melted, Gary and I would have absolutely little in common, other than the fact that we both liked skiing and we both lived in Southern California. Skiing is a great equalizer. Money is not.


Why is it that the runs on ski resort trail maps are always printed upside down? It is as though you are going to select a ski run from the parking lot instead of the top of the mountain.

For the New Year: The Plan

And darkness was upon the face of the Staff.
Henceforth members spoke among themselves, saying:
"It is a crock and it stinketh."

And the members went unto their Managers and sayeth:
"It is a pail of dung and no one may abide its odor."

And the Managers went to the Vice Presidents saying unto them:
"It is a pile of excrement and none may stomach the sight."

Skiing and Satori on Mount Tallac

Several skiers were already on top, loosely cluttered, some already clicked into their bindings, alert but casual as they viewed the surroundings and shared a reverential quiet.

The sun began to break out of the dreamy foliage of dawn, its canopy exploding into an enormous sunlit corona of mist, which trailed across the azure water like a cape.

Part I: Tahoe’s Top 25 Skiers in History

In alpine events alone, no fewer than 50 U.S. Ski Team members, 20 Olympians, and dozens of national champions have come from the Tahoe Basin. A number have their names in the National Ski Hall of Fame. Tahoe is a major source of competitive skiers.

Who are the greatest of all?
