Palisades Tahoe
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Celebrate New Year’s Eve at High Camp. Let us treat you to a fabulous night on the mountain with entertainment for the whole family! This all-ages soiree begins at 6pm and includes a starry-night Cable Car ride (guests should upload the 5, 5:15, 5:30 or 5:45pm Cable Car), spectacular buffet dinner and music and dancing for the young and old alike. We’ll bring in the new season with a 9pm East Coast New Year’s champagne toast (sparkling apple cider for the youngsters). Finally, we will get you back down to the Village to view the 9:30pm New Year’s Eve Fireworks display.

Adult:  $36 - Tram tickets sold seperately
Kid (12 & Under): $26 - Tram tickets sold seperately

This event does sell out and reservations are required. Please email us at to reserve your spot today.