Tahoe City 150 - Sesquicentennial Celebration
Celebrating Tahoe City’s Sesquicentennial
Welcome! Thanks for your interest in Tahoe City's 150th Anniversary Celebration. This page will give you a general overview of the concept and celebration, and more importantly, show you how to get involved to share in this important and one-time-only community milestone.
- Register as a TC150 Participating Supporter
- Submit An Event for the TC150 Calendar
- View the TC150 Event Calendar

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WHAT IS TC150?: Tahoe City 150, aka. TC150 is an ongoing multi-faceted community recognition and celebration of Tahoe City’s 150th Anniversary.
WHEN IS IT?: Throughout the anniversary year, with specific primary events to be held on August 8th, 2013 and over Labor Day weekend. Throughout the entire year, ongoing local events, tie-ins, promotions, etc. will incorporate mention and recognition of the occasion/anniversary throughout the year.
BACKGROUND: According to public records, the North Lake Tahoe Historical Society, and the Tahoe City Public Utility District, the place now recognized as Tahoe City, was surveyed and recorded by W. Taft on August 8, 1863. Thusly, this year, 2013, and the year following August 8th, is the 150th anniversary of Tahoe City.
ABOUT THE CELEBRATION: Residents, former residents, fans, friends, neighbors, and general lovers of this unique place known as Tahoe City are invited to recognize, commemorate and celebrate Tahoe City’s 150th anniversary (aka: “Tahoe City 150” or “TC150” ) throughout the entire year. The overall focus points of the 'celebration' are on building historic awareness, current day recognition and community pride in both the immediate and extended community that Tahoe City so fortunately holds. Simply put, wherever you go, in and around Tahoe City, throughout the year, it should be obvious that its Tahoe City's 150th Anniversary.
HOW TO GET INVOLVED: In support the celebration of the 150th anniversary, local and regional businesses, organizations and events (existing or newly created) are invited to incorporate Tahoe City’s 150th anniversary into their theme or purpose during the remainder of 2013. Local and regional businesses, events and individuals are invited to participate as supporters in a variety of ways:
Register as a TC150 Participating Supporter Business and contribute $150 and receive...
- Official window sticker and poster for prominent placement at your business throughout the celebration.
- Web-ready logo file for placement on your website, etc.
- Listing and link on TC150 website and in official print materials.
- Optional opportunity to sell official TC150 merchandise with wholesale pricing (tbd).
- Business/Individual name on specific selection of TC150 merchandise (tbd).
- Commemorative video (via embed code) for your website.
- Copy of commemorative community photograph/poster (to be produced).
Click here to register and contribute and start spreading the word now!
Any/all area businesses or organizations are encouraged to get involved and create special events and/or tag their events, specials, promotions, products, etc. with a TC150 logo or theme. Possibilities could include a "TC150 Drink/cocktail", "TC150 appetizer or special menu item", "TC150 game", "TC150 lodging or product package", etc. The possibilities are endless!
Events held and produced by Registered Supporter Businesses will be included online at the TC150 website and on the Lake Tahoe App and promoted via official TC150 event publications and outreach.
Click here to submit your event, product or promotion for inclusion in the TC150 Master Event Calendar.
As stated above, It is the goal of the organizing committee to have 'TC150' part of anything and everything. There are no limits or special requirements and anyone/everyone can participate. In addition, several signature 'key' events are being planned to celebrate the occasion and bring us all together.
View The Complete TC150 Event Calendar
Free Lake Tahoe App Features Guide to TC150 Events
Tahoe City 150 information and special features and activites will also be a featured section on the free Lake Tahoe App. For information and download, click here (www.tahoetopia.com/laketahoeapp).
Events, plans, schedules are all subject to changes. For updates, details, event calendar and more visit www.TahoeCity150.com or visit TC150 at:
Facebook at www.facebook.com/tahoecity150. Facebook Page
Twitter @tahoecity150 Hash Tag #tc150 Follow TC150
Pinterest - Tahoe City Lake Tahoe
Also, featured on the Free Lake Tahoe App (www.tahoetopia.com/laketahoeapp)