Forest ServiceCloses CA. Recreation Sites Through April

NOTE: This regional news release is for all 18 national forests in California.
Forest Service closes developed recreation sites in California until April 30
VALLEJO, Calif. - The USDA Forest Service appreciates the public’s interest in outdoor recreation, particularly in light of current events. The Pacific Southwest Region of the Forest Service, in response to the recent statewide shelter-in-place order issued by the Governor of California, is joining the cause to aggressively mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by closing developed recreation facilities on our National Forests statewide.
“Developed recreation sites” refers to designated recreational use areas developed to facilitate public use. Information on individual recreation sites and opportunities are available from local National Forests.
Closures of developed recreation facilities are being put in place until at least April 30th in an attempt to avoid groups of people and promote social distancing of staying more than six feet apart.
While designated recreation sites will be closed, the general Forest area including the extensive trail system will remain open and available to the public. Hiking and walking outdoors are widely considered beneficial to maintaining one’s health. It is the intent of USDA Forest Service to maintain trail access to the extent practicable.
Please keep health, safety and the environment in mind when visiting National Forests. Your personal responsibility is critical to ensuring public safety and preventing further restrictions. We ask that you consider whether your personal participation in outdoor recreation at this time would pose an unnecessary risk to others as we all work together to flatten the curve and slow the spread of COVID-19.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our National Forests safe and healthy for everyone’s use.