'Human Chain', Aerial Photo, Concerts & Celebration This Sunday

Tahoe City's 2012 'Concerts on Commons Beach' series of free Sunday concerts kicks off Sunday, June 24th with four live bands and a huge community gathering to celebrate the recently completed Lakeside Trail, including a 'human chain', a raffle, and the shooting of an aerial community portrait photograph.

Sunday, June 24th Schedule of Events

12:45 p.m - Lakeside Trail Gathering. The festivities begin as the community is invited to gather along the Lakeside Trail (otherwise known as the bike path) anywhere between the Bridgetender, on the west side, and the Tahoe Gal/Safeway Pier on the east.

1:00 p.m. - Human Chain. All participants will be asked to link arms together to form a 'human chain' along the trail. As the chain is formed, Tahoe City PUD staff will begin to pass out free water bottles to participants moving from each end moving in towards Commons Beach. Each water bottle contains a raffle ticket. As the PUD staff moves along Tahoe TV will be videotaping the 'human chain' and getting thoughts and comments from participants.

1:30 p.m. - All participants are then invited to move to Commons Beach where the afternoon's festivities will begin.

2:00 p.m. - Concerts Begin - First act: Blues Monsters - Main Stage

2:45 p.m. - Lakeside Trail Celebration & Recognition - Main Stage

3:00 p.m. - Aerial Photo for 2012 Community Portrait - All community members and visitors are asked to join together on Commons Beach and look to the sky as an aerial photograph will be taken for a community portrait poster. There will be several passes taking multiple photographs.

3:10 p.m. - Concerts continue with performances by Dad's LPS, Downbeat, Jellybread

The raffle will be held between bands. Grand Prize is a Homewood Season Pass. Other prizes include a boat ramp pass, recreation programs and much more.

For more information about this summer's concert series, visit www.concertsatcommonsbeach.com

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