Resort Closing Dates (as of April 14)
To help you sort through your end-of-season plans, Tahoe TV has pulled together a quick summary of resort closing dates - now updated as of April 7th.
Palisades Tahoe - open through April 29th
Alpine Meadows - open daily through April 29th, then Fri - Sun until May 13th
Northstar - Closing April 15th
Homewood - Closing April 15th
Mt Rose - Closing April 15th
Boreal - Closing April 15th
Sugarbowl - Daily operations continuing through April 29th.
Tahoe Donner/Tahoe Donner XC - Closing April 15th
Tahoe XC - Closing April 15th.
Dates compiled for Tahoe TV by Rhea Silver-Smith from available online information. Some resorts are omitted as information was not available. For daily conditions updates, visit
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