McShlonkey Tickles Squaw's Wild Side

The 2nd Annual Pain McShlonkey Classic delivered wild times and wackiness (a-la those in 'Hot Dog - The Movie') to Palisades Tahoe March 23-24th. Celebrating the life of legendary skier Shane McConkey, the event's antics and general unruliness were all for a good cause, raising funds for local school programs via the McConkey Foundation.

Following the general concept initiated by McConkey himself in a quietly-held 'test' event in 2003, this year's two-day event drew hundreds of McConkey friends, family and fans to participate in a series of parties and competitions, including an opening night 'Legacy Gala' fundraiser, the 'Snowlerblade Downhill', the 'Small Mountain Invitational', a costume party, and a closing night 80's dance party.

Tahoe TV/SVTV was on hand to capture this exclusive highlight footage of the weekend's festivities.

For more information about the McConkey Foundation, visit


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