Crossing Back On For Final Day at Squaw

As luck and thaw would have it, the Snow Gods have gazed down for a second look and deemed the pond suitable for the 20th Lake Cushing Crossing to be held on Palisades Tahoe's closing day, Sunday, May 9th.

Palisades Tahoe USA announced the re-re-scheduling of the Cushing Crossing Wednesday afternoon after assessing the condition of the pond. The event registration will begin at noon, and crossing starts at 2pm.

Closing day will be bigger than ever to wrap up the superb anniversary season. In addition to KT-22 being open and the Lake Cushing Crossing being held, Palisades Tahoe welcomes guests and passholders to a "reunion day" and offers $45 lift tickets for the final day. The reunion day welcomes season pass holders, employees, and visitors from year's past and will feature a DJ and party at High Camp, and gatherings at the base area.

For updates, operations, and details, visit

The 2009-2010 "50/60 Anniversary Season" will be long remembered for consistently exceptional conditions, great storm timing, huge events, major acquisitions (Ski Corp's purchase of the Village), numerous powder days and overall happy guests and passholders.

For those that may miss the Cushing Crossing, please enjoy the SVTV video of part one of last year's event below.

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