Equinox: Spring Starts

North Pole
The sun will travel northward, relatively, until the third week in June, when the Northern Hemisphere has its longest day, i.e., period of daylight. Then the sun heads southward again and crosses the equator on the day of the Autumnal Equinox in September.

Meanwhile, now in March, the polar ice cap has been expanding over the winter because the Arctic Ocean has been deprived of light and direct sunlight. Below the ice is seawater to a depth of 13,400 feet in some places. As a matter of interest, there is no land at the North Pole; the region is not a continent, but a sheet of very thick ice.

This picture of the moon, from an unknown source on the www, provides a glimpse of the stark beauty of the place.

The picture below, from NASA, shows the extent of the polar cap in mid March, 2009.

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