DR. TIM: Quiet Awareness

Then the body grows using a set of internal instructions. The mind develops through its experiences. The spirit grows through an interaction between body and mind.

A newborn child has an intrinsic balance but often loses it as he or she goes through life. Due to physical, chemical, or emotional stresses, the need to balance mind, body, and spirit tend to be ignored. Or often the need to maintain or regain balance is unconscious. Adults just plain forget the joyful experience they had as a newborn. A newborn's experience is, simply, a quiet awareness of unencumbered living.

To pursue full mental and physical health, we can strive for the innocent experience of the newborn each and every moment of our lives. We can work to see everything as new. Such a quest can tilt us back toward the quiet awareness of newborns amid the harsh realities of living in a hectic, technology-driven, consumer world. Quiet awareness—balance—leads to a mind that is both active and relaxed at the same time. Balance gives one’s spirit a chance to breathe.

So how do we reach out for the mind—body—spirit balance of a newborn?
1. Look at each moment of life as new. Each moment for an individual is, really, as fresh and unique as it is for a newborn. Past experience is useful, of course, because it allows us to make guided decisions about the future. But each new experience is special, an event in itself. Savor them.

2. Be intentionally creative. Push yourself to do it, even as you age and certain tasks become more challenging. If you live with discovery and curiosity as your guiding lights, regardless of age, you will naturally become more productive. Your mind and body have huge, innovation and rejuvenating powers. They also have huge healing power. Free them.

Body, mind, and spirit are perfectly blended at the moment of birth. It is a continuing challenge to keep the blend alive and well by digging down to tap into our quiet awareness.

Editor’s Note: Dr. Tim Schroeder has a thriving chiropractic clinic and a martial arts school in Tahoe City where he has lived for 28 years. He has been a featured speaker across North America on personal wellness and leading a balanced life. Click on Other Stories for recent Dr. Tim articles and Tahoetopia features about the always-interesting Tahoe Region. 

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