Reno Announces Year-Round, Indoor Ski Area & Resort

They have formed a cooperative to build the world's second indoor ski area at a cost of over $23 million. It will be the first such facility in the USA. The construction started some months ago with little fanfare. The site is just north of Highway 80 between Reno and Sparks.

Signs at the site suggested that an amusement park was underway, and the initial steel work appeared to be the framework for one or more roller coasters. In the last two weeks, however, rumors have been flying. On Friday, a press conference was held and the design of the novel area are now public.

Reno casinos have been under increasing economic pressure as more and more Indian casinos become operational in California, Oregon, Washington. "Our tables are empty," said one blackjack dealer who preferred to remain anonymous.

In addition to the ski hills, their new site, Gold Hill, will feature gaming rooms, bowling, a two-star restaurant, and a small mall specializing in sporting goods and astrology-book reading rooms. The astrology rooms will be connected to a central planetarium with a telescope aimed at the night sky above Lake Tahoe.

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