Memories V of Snow Festivals Past
#9 Snowfest Spirit
"It's not any one individual event, but the whole Snowfest spirit. I get a feeling of happiness and good cheer that I really appreciate." Steve Risko, a.k.a. 'Snow Slippery.'
#10 Mr. North Lake Contest
"The first year of the Mr. North Lake Contest, Ellen Attardi and I were two of the judges. Ellen was in her early seventies at the time. We walked into a casino showroom packed full of young, hormonal women just going crazy, and there we were, two old ladies. Ellen looked at me with her sparkly face and said, 'This could be interesting.'" Bev Bedard, former Snowfest board member.
#11 Great Race
"Every year I was the starter at the Great Race, but once I decided to actually race. Todd Lloyd was a member of Tahoe Nordic Search and Rescue, so I asked him if he would be starter. Tood got out in front of everybody to do the start, instead of standing by the side of the starters. There were 800 racers. He was run over." Skip Reedy, former Nordic resort owner.
This series of remembrances is being complied for Tahoetopia primarily by Robert Frohlich. "FRO" is a thirty-year resident of North Tahoe.
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