Winter Olympics '06: Five Locals in Torino. Report #3, Benveneto from Sestriere!

Daron's former coach from Squaw, Jeff Rouse, commented: "Daron was very calm and comfortable;' he was just testing the track and line. With the second training run tomorrow (Fri.), Daron will probably let the hammer down, but not completely, because he doesn't want to show his cards for the big race on Sunday."

Susan's first day on her volunteer job was amazing. She is located at the bottom of the men's downhill where she is in charge of writing down the results of every athlete's run. She is up close and personal with each racer. After Marco finished 28th today, she gave him a huge hug and he said: "Oh my God. you really are writing down the times." Susan has the best seat in the house.

Dick Banfield: "Today's training run was for everyone, including the poma operator! The cable car was full of the best downhillers in the world and on its way taking them to their inspections. Then the damn car broke down for a half hour and caused an Olympic-sized boo boo. Soon things calmed down and the training run went off without a hitch. It was great for all, including us slippers, to finally be on the course and getting comfortable with the track."

Ann Chippendale: "On my first day up on top of the hill we found the officials didn't have my log board. I was supposed to write the times at the top of men's downhill. So I went down and joined Susan at her prime spot in the finish corral. We had fun checking out all the racers CIAO!

Soooo...the food is yummy; the wine flows; and everyone is ahhh, so very happy.      --By Banfields, Holbrook, and Rouses

Susan and Jeff
Dick and Ann

Editor's Note: Robert Frohlich, a veteran Olympic journalist, is coordinating these reports to Tahoetopia.

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