Snow Festival '06 Polar Bear Swim. Tester Wins #10

A cold breeze chilled the crowd as it waited for the daring swimmers to arrive. An orange U.S. Coast Guard patrol boat was on safety duty near the pier. An officer aboard announced that the water temperature was 37.9 degrees, 2 degrees colder than last year.

U.S. Hockey Dream Team Gets Chuckwagon Gold

Why couldn't we win more than one game? How could we tie Latvia? Why did we look, sound, and play so pathetic? After all, we won silver in 2002. Now I know. Our hockey players eat too much.

Avalanche DANGER: Tips on Staying Alive in Deep Powder

• Do not ski alone. Buddy up with another skier or snowboarder and stay within sight of your partner. This means stopping and watching your partner descend, then proceeding downhill while he or she watches you.
• Ski or board carefully in trees or on un-groomed areas. Stay on terrain that fits your skill level.

Sierra Sun + Tahoe World = ?

The two papers are owned by Swift Newspapers, Inc. of Reno, which also owns North Lake Tahoe Bonanza (Incline Village), the Tahoe Daily Tribune (South Lake Tahoe), and over twenty other newspapers in the West.

Lake Tahoe Rises Nearly Half-foot in 4.5 Days

The graph just below shows the dramatic change in lake level during the present week. The Gauge height on the left axis displays the distance above 6,220 feet in altitude. So if the Gauge height reads 6.05 feet, the actual altitude of Lake Tahoe surface is 6,226.05 feet.

Ski Jumping in Berkeley (1934)

Snow Festival is the modern incarnation of what has been a 80-year effort at encouraging people to visit the Sierra for winter fun. Before all-weather superhighways and all-wheel drive vehicles, marketing the winter sports experience meant taking the action to the cities. And in sunny California, that meant, literally, taking the snow to the people.

Hiring Smart

People do what they like; they like what they know. Experience adds depth to knowledge. The best indicator of how a person will perform in the future is how he or she has done in the past in the same or related activity. Criteria for selecting key people are dictated by the plan, the blueprint, for the business. A brick mason is not needed to construct a wooden building.

Winter Olympics '06: Five Locals in Torin. Report #8 (FINAL)

We joined Julia in Torino when she received her medal. It was tear jerking, especially for Jeff who coached her during her junior race career at Palisades Tahoe. Needless to say we celebrated late into the night, Italian style.

Memories VI of Snow Festivals Past

#12 Corporate Ski Challenge
