Memories VII of Snow Festivals Past

#16 March Miracle
"I remember a pre-Snowfest volunteer party at Granlibakken. We had had three or four years of drought and that particular winter wasn't much better. It started snowing before dinner and ended up not stopping for a month. That night was the start of what is now called 'The March Miracle.' That night we partied, carried on, and acted as if it was Snow Festival that had brought on the snow. We didn't care how much it dumped, that's what mountain life was all about." Joy Doyle, former Snowfest event coordinator.

#17 Watching the Kids
"Snowfest has always been about people having a good time and there's no better time that can be had than just watching little kids. In the early parades, the Palisades Tahoe parking lot just wasn't big enough, so they'd parade around it twice. The parade was full of kids and through the years you not only watched them march but watched them grow up." Judy Friedman, former Snowfest executive director.

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