Is All This Snow a March '06 Miracle?

The first Miracle March was 15 years ago. At the peak of the most severe drought since the Dust Bowl, heavy snowfall in March 1991 saved the Tahoe-Truckee region from setting a record for the driest winter ever. It was tough going here in February 1991. The lake was at its lowest level in history, and the snow pack was down to 19% of normal. Needless to say, ski conditions were terrible.

St. Patricks Day, Chinese Downhill at Squaw

"The race originated by chance," recalled the late Norm Simmons. Simmons was a Palisades Tahoe ski patrolman and groomer who moved to Palisades Tahoe in 1966 after a short stint with the Houston Oilers of the old American Football League.

Unpublished Letters of Tamsen Donner--Part 2

George was described as a "big man, fully six feet tall, with black hair shot with silver. He was of cheerful disposition and easy temperament. Neighbors came to him for advice and sympathy."

Truckee Follies Coming to Town

This year's theme is TruckeeVision, but as usual the Follies will make fun of all things Truckee. "It's like a high end, X-rated Montey Python," says regular participant and Truckee architect Matt Rusanoff.

Sierra Sun to Absorb Tahoe World

McClatchy publishes the Sacramento Bee and roughly a dozen other papers, about the same number as the Swift Newspapers, Inc. of Reno. Swift owns our Sun and World as well as the Bonanza and South Lake Tahoe's Tribune. Swift also owns other papers in Nevada, Colorado, and Oregon.

'06 Snow Festival Ends...March-uary Snow Continues

The festival wrapped up in its usual style as hundreds of revelers gathered on the snow-covered River Ranch patio to view a vast selection of snow sculptures created that day. The contest pits local teams against each other trying to win the most points, as awarded by an illustrious panel of judges, for their sculpture entry.

Unpublished Letters of Tamsen Donner--Part 1

Poor decisions on the long trail, a lack of leadership, bad advice, and an early winter trapped the Donner-led group before it could cross the Sierra crest and reach the safety of California. More than once during that brutal winter Tamsen refused an opportunity to escape with rescue parties; instead she chose to stay behind with her husband, George, who was seriously ill and could not travel.

30th Annual Great Ski Race: Tahoe to Truckee

For the second year in a row the winner was Patrick Weaver of Bend, Oregon who crossed the line in 1 hour and 19 minutes. With the new, cold snow on the ground, the winning time was 12 minutes slower than last year.

Beth Reid won the woman's division in 1 hour, 29 minutes...15 minutes slower than last year's winner.

Ski Link Between Squaw and Alpine?

Called White Wolf, the 460-acre parcel he secured in 1989 lies between Alpine Meadows and Palisades Tahoe. It includes 75 acres within the Palisades Tahoe Ski Corp boundaries. Since 1990 Squaw has rented the land from Caldwell.
