Tram Face Bib Draw Draws A Crowd

Over 45 competitors from around the world, and a swarm of fans and onlookers gathered Friday afternoon in Palisades Tahoe's Bar One to participate in the opening ceremony and bib draw for the Nisson Tram Face competition being held this weekend at Palisades Tahoe USA.

The bib draw ceremony involves each competitor, called by their current 'Freeride World Ranking' to the stage, where a numbered bib is drawn, indicating the start order for the event.

The world's best freeriders have come from as far away as Russia to compete in this 3rd leg of the Freeride World Tour. The event, which organizers intend to be held on the actual Tram Face, below the first tower of the Cable Car, will be held either Sunday or Monday, based on conditions and assessments by the event organizers and Palisades Tahoe officials.

Nicolas Hale-Woods, the Founder and Director of the Freeride World Tour, gave an assessment of the situation to the competitors as heavy snow fell outside the building.

"We are hopeful to see this event take place on the Tram Face," he said. "Conditions will be assessed and we'll make the call as soon as possible."

Alternate locations at Palisades Tahoe include the Silverado Bowl on the upper mountain, where the competition was held last year as a result of insufficient snow on the Tram Face.

Local athletes competiing in the event include skiers JT Holmes, Tim Dutton, and Cody Townsend, and snowboarder Jeremy Jones.

For updates on the status of the event, visit

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