Tahoe's Beer Gardeners Celebrate 20 Years

One of Tahoe’s longest-running local bands, The Beer Gardeners, will celebrate 20 years together with a free outdoor afternoon performance at Palisades Tahoe’s Le Chamois on April 10, 2011. The show is part of the near 20-stop ‘Beer & Peanuts Anniversary Tour’ taking place throughout 2011.
Formed on a foggy whim in January, 1991, the loosely organized and still-unrehearsed bar band for Palisades Tahoe’s legendary and now defunct watering hole, the Beer Garden, has enjoyed entertaining enthusiastic North Tahoe music-lovers ever since.
“It’s a continuing experiment,” says original member and singer/guitarist Eric “Eric T.” Brandt. “Since day one our strict no-rehearsal policy has held fast, and as a result we’re still together.”
In the early 90’s, the band could be seen playing regularly at many of Tahoe’s then-favorite spots, including Olympic Village Inn (OVI), Plaza Bar, Bar One, Rosie’s, Lakehouse Pizza, Humpty’s, and Le Chamois. Over the years, the number of shows has thinned (along with much of the band’s hair) but the energy and antics have remained in tact.
“Not unlike ‘Tap’ (Spinal Tap), we’ve played our share of job fairs, weddings and community dances,” said lead guitarist and original member Blake Beeman. “But, true to the original idea, every time we get together, no matter where it is, it’s a rockin’ good time.”
The upcoming show at Palisades Tahoe’s Le Chamois is not without nostalgic overtones.
“The band played numerous deck parties here in the early years and we’re proud to welcome them back,” commented Chamois owner Jeff ‘Junior’ Wilson. “We’ve even ordered extra peanuts and beer.”
Known for tying together random classic songs into long medleys, spontaneous wardrobe changes, and ad-hoc, ten-minute tambourine and shaker solos, The Beer Gardeners have weathered the test of time. With the ‘Beer & Peanuts Tour’ they plan to continue pounding out their familiar mix of classic rock interpretations and well-worn originals for as long as they can stay awake.
For more information about the band, and other upcoming performances, visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/beergardeners.
For more about Le Chamois, visit www.squawchamois.com.
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