Squaw Celebrates Mancuso '06 Gold; Awards Lifetime Season Pass
After weeks of waiting following the Olympics, while Mancuso continued her racing circuit in Europe and beyond, Palisades Tahoe threw a huge celebration Saturday at the Olympic Plaza in Palisades Tahoe to honor the skier who calls Palisades Tahoe home. As hundreds looked on, Palisades Tahoe Ski Corp. President Nancy Wendt presented Mancuso with a 'lifetime season pass', and then announced the official naming of a Palisades Tahoe ski run as "Julia's Gold".
"We're all very proud of her," commented Wendt. "Palisades Tahoe's Olympic spirit burns strong, and Julia is such a wonderful inspiration."Other accolades included official presentations and recognition from California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's office, the Placer County Board of Supervisors, World Cup winning skier Tamara McKinney, and others.
Local business owner Susan Lopez presented Mancuso with a 'lifetime cookie pass' for her bake shop, the Wildflour Bakery. Lopez recounted that she had been "serving cookies to Mancuso since she started racing" as part of Palisades Tahoe's Mighty Mite program. "The truth is that she (the Wildflour Bakery) was my first real sponsor," announced Mancuso.
Mancuso and others gave praise to Palisades Tahoe's enormously successful Mighty Mite race programs. Numerous kids, coaches, and parents waited patiently as Mancuso took the time to sign autographs and pose for pictures. Two of her former coaches, Mark "Sully" Sullivan and Jim Hudson also took the mic and praised Julia's accomplishments.
"This is a breeding ground for Olympians," commented Sullivan. "The mountain, the snow, and the Olympic legacy make for a perfect combination."
Julia Mancuso won an Olympic Gold medal in the Giant Slalom in Tornio, Italy in February. She was the first American to win an Olympic medal in Alpine Skiing since 1998 and a bright spot in what many considered an otherwise disappointing American showing in Olympic Alpine sports.
When asked what was next for her, Julia replied "I'm actually hoping and looking forward to some warm summer weather...I've been skiing a lot this year."
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