PLACES: Fall Family Fun in Corn Maze

Located in Fallon, Nevada, sixty miles east of Reno or Carson City on highway 50, Lattin Farms is a bit farther away than your normal excursion from Tahoe. It is a fully operational farm for the bulk of the year, but every fall owners Rick and B.Ann Lattin convert the farm into a festival grounds. They welcome visitors of all ages from around the globe.

The list of activities is long and includes a huge pumpkin patch, a scarecrow-making factory, hay rides, a "cow train," games, and more. The main attraction, which garners worldwide acclaim each year, is the enormous Corn Maze.

It is one of only two corn mazes west of the Mississippi River. There are less than 50 such mazes around the world. The Lattin Farms Corn Maze, or "Maize, Maze" is created from over 100,000 stalks of corn on three acres of farmland.

"We contract with Adrian Fischer, a well known London maze designer, for our annual maze," said Rick Lattin. "It's a real puzzle, and you have to work hard to find your way around and out."

Last year's theme was a magical maze in which guests receive clues within the corn stalks to complete the puzzle. From the air, the outline of a wizard, a magical wand, and the magic kingdom are clearly visible in the maze. Those that made their way through to the finish, were given a chance to step up on a bridge platform that overlooked the maze. From there they could watch others find their way.

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