For the New Year: The Plan

In the Beginning was The Plan.
And then came The Assumptions.
And The Assumptions were without form.

And the Plan was completely without substance.And darkness was upon the face of the Staff.
Henceforth members spoke among themselves, saying:
"It is a crock and it stinketh."

And the members went unto their Managers and sayeth:
"It is a pail of dung and no one may abide its odor."

And the Managers went to the Vice Presidents saying unto them:
"It is a pile of excrement and none may stomach the sight."

And thence the Vice Presidents met behind closed doors, saying one to another:
"It contains that which helps flowers bloom, but it may attract funds."

Whereupon the Vice Presidents went to selected members of the Board of Directors and whispered to them:
"It is quite appealing and can promote expansion."

And the Directors went unto the President and sayeth to her:
"The Plan is the path to fame and fortune in the New Year."

And the President looked upon The Plan and saw that is was good. And so it was that The Plan became Policy.

…And so it is that s__t happens.

Editor's Note: This analysis was excerpted, in part, from a 1993 Inc. Magazine story.

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