Memories II of Snow Festivals Past as #27 Approaches

#3 Snow Sculpture
"One year there was hardly any snow. I had to bring in tons of snow by loader and shovel it onto the River Ranch back deck. It was so warm that I thought everybody's entry was going to melt before the judges could look at them." John L. Weedn, organizer of Snowfest Snow Sculpture Contest.

#4 Warm Welcome
"I arrived in Tahoe City for the first time on the day of the Snowfest Parade. I was a total stranger on the street. The girl scouts marched by in the parade, noticed me, and invited me to their candle lighting. And here I was a total stranger! It was then that I knew I wanted to live in this community." Marilyn Sloan, Snowfest volunteer, 1987-1999.

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This series (twice a week) of remembrances is being complied for Tahoetopia by Robert Frohlich. "FRO" is a thirty-year resident of North Tahoe.

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