Lake Tahoe in Winter

Then the lake of the sky continues to change moods to suit the flexing of the seasons and, even, the time of day.

"In the early morning one watches the silent battle of dawn and darkness on the waters of night there are moon and stars and mountain ridges feathered with pines, jutting white capes, bold promontories, grand sweeps of rugged scenery topped with bald glimmering peaks..." --Mark Twain

"It is for man the seasons and all their fruits exist. The winter was made to concentrate and harden and mature the kernel of his brain, to give tone and firmness and consistency to his thought. Then there is the great harvest of the year, the harvest of thought. All previous harvests are stubble to this, mere fodder and green crop. Now we burn with a purer flame like the stars; our oil is winter-strained." --Henry David Thoreau, January 1854

"What your heart thinks is great, is great. The soul's emphasis is always right." --Ralph Waldo Emerson

"To obtain the air the angels breathe, you must go to Tahoe." --Mark Twain

Photos (c)2006 Steve Brandt

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