Crossing Postponed, Reunion Slated for Final Day at Squaw

With a base of nearly 20' of snow still remaining on the upper mountain, and ice still covering 'Lake Cushing', Palisades Tahoe USA will bring the long anniversary season to a close this Sunday, May 9th.

A series of late-season storms have provided extraordinary mid-winter-like conditions all the way through April, and also forced the postponement of one of Palisades Tahoe's most popular late-season events, the Lake Cushing Crossing. The announcement was posted Monday, May 3rd on the Palisades Tahoe website:

"Due to all the amazing spring snow and cold temperatures, we must postpone the 20th Annual Lake Cushing Crossing. We are looking at having the event either on Memorial Day Weekend or the weekend after. Stay tuned, updates will be posted here."

Closing day will not be without fanfare however, as Palisades Tahoe welcomes guests and passholders to a "reunion day" and offers $45 lift tickets for the final day. The reunion day welcomes season pass holders from year's past and will feature a DJ and party at High Camp, and gatherings at the base area. For updates, operations, and details, visit

In spite of the change of plans, Palisades Tahoe skiers and snowboarders would seem to have nothing to complain about. The 2009-2010 "50/60 Anniversary Season" will be long remembered for consistently exceptional conditions, great storm timing, huge events, major acquisitions (Ski Corp's purchase of the Village), numerous powder days and overall happy guests and passholders.

For those that yearn for the Cushing Crossing and mourn it's postponement, please enjoy the SVTV video of part one of last year's event below.

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