Hazel Court, Film Star Vamp; Mountain Woman
Hazel Court, the daughter of a professional cricket player, made her film debut at age 18. She was featured in the early horror films produced by Hammer Studios in her native England.
Profits & Nonprofits: How Flat Should the Organization Be?
There is a law of geometry involved. As pyramids grow larger—develop a wider base—they must grow taller. Hence, in the 20th century, we saw towering organizations develop with many layers of management. Ford Motors, Bank of America, Sierra Club, Blue Cross, and the State of California all were giants and models of organized, human effort.
WARREN'S WORLD: Jack Kemp—One of a Kind
Jack was a professional quarterback, a congressman, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, a defender of minority rights, a vice presidential candidate and a bona fide 100% American.WARREN'S WORLD: Spring Skiing in Yosemite
Yes, the season is over because some dummy somewhere once said, "It is over at Easter," even though Easter can be a different date every year. Easter Sunday can vary by twenty-eight days because it is the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the Vernal equinox.WARREN'S WORLD: Everyone has a Story
I have a variety of thoughts as I buzz along. It is the middle of May. It is the mud season. I pass by nearly perfect, Mt. Perfect, with its empty chairs on the closed-for-the-season ski lifts swinging gently in the morning breeze. The nine feet of snow that still covers all of the runs would be terrific skiing for anyone who would drive up from the city and climb the mountain.WARREN'S WORLD: From Fall Line to Fairway
By the time I had found my golf bag, low scudding clouds had turned the beautiful summer day into something else. The wind was blowing about fifteen and rising. My golf bag was in my workshop, behind the outboard motor and under the pile of wood scraps from the table saw.Fall Fun Outdoors
Their magic continues year 'round. And right now there is much to see before the clouds of winter invade.Tree Carvings
The carvings at Spooner Summit (7,100') on highway 50 to Carson City were put there by Basque sheepherders at the turn of the 20th century. The art, on the white trunks of aspens, is an early example of graffiti. Look high on the trees; time has passed!