LOST LEGEND #16: Big Chief at Tahoe’s Lover’s Leap

Many years ago after the lake was formed the Qua people had spread throughout the High Sierra and beyond, as described in Lost Legend #3. One large group of Quas lived winters in the foothills near Auburn, CA and summers on tranquil Carnelian Bay near the center of the North Shore of the great lake in the sky.

BUSINESS MATTERS: Just Hit the Target this Winter

When it comes to developing a satisfactory winter season for your business, you can't wait to see if it snows heavy to invest in bringing customers in your door. You need to toot your horn and get out there with value and information propositions today. Here is why:

Storm Door Opens in November 2008

This Pacific storm was wet and juicy, but relatively warm, so the expected heavy snowfall in the upper elevations did not materialize. However, I did hear that a snowboarder climbed for some runs in the Mt. Rose area. He reported finding snow nearly two feet deep above 9,000 feet.

DR. TIM: Quiet Awareness

Then the body grows using a set of internal instructions. The mind develops through its experiences. The spirit grows through an interaction between body and mind.


Ferrries carry all kinds of cars, trucks, people, trailers, kayaks, back packers, salesmen, real estate agents, bicycle riders, property buyers, touriests, and occasionally, some livestock in a truck.

PART III: Money in D.C., Feeding the Virus

Three billion dollars spread across 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 members of the Senate equates to $5,600,000 per seat, over ten years. This bought a lot of attention.

Tips for Saving Money while Skiing

Last year marked a record-setting ski season for U.S. resorts with 60.5 million skier visits, according to the National Ski Areas Association. "While ski vacations are more popular than ever before, the current economy presents new challenges for travelers on tighter budgets than in past years," said Heather Leisman, senior director of merchandizing for Orbitz.

PART II: Deregulation Derivatives, Spreading the Virus

No single government decision in the last two decades caused the steep descent into the present economic quagmire. But working hand-in-hand, both political parties gave Wall Street everything it wanted. In effect, Washington D.C. let the foxes guard the chickens!

Once a god, Alan Greenspan "Made a Mistake"

PLACES: Where is this?

To visit the place, go north from the train station in the center of town, through winding streets. It is a short trip, less than a quarter mile. Walk or drive.

Once at the monument, the view southward is expansive.

PART I: Mortgage-Backed Securities, the Virus

The bank or other lender that issued a mortgage showed it on its books as an asset of $100K that would be producing a string of income payments (principle and interest) over time, the length of the mortgage. Banks and lenders tried to make loans secured by solid property values and a borrower who could and would make the payments month in, month out. This was traditional mortgage lending.
