Tahoe TV ROKU System Update Guide

Many of our ROKU users around the globe (including us) have, in recent weeks, experienced an issue with the Tahoe TV Roku App - and streaming video/webcams NOT LOADING.

After researching the issue, we've discovered that this problem lies behind a ROKU system update that has not yet been 'pushed' to the entire ROKU user community. While the 'push' may be imminent, there is a short term solution - manually updating your ROKU system software.

To stay updated on any changes related to the Tahoe TV ROKU app, and provide any feedback, please subscribe to our Tahoe TV ROKU user email list on our Feedback page - simply type "Subscribe Roku" in the 'Your Comments' area.

Updating Your ROKU System Software

DISCLAIMER: Tahoe TV/Tahoetopia/Destination Media Solutions is not liable or responsible for any other issues that may arise with your ROKU device or apps following a manual system update. This solution has only been attempted on our own ROKU device   - A ROKU Model 3100X - ROKU 2XS. With this model, the Tahoe TV app worked and loaded the streaming video after the system update to:

Software Version 6.1
Build: 5605

To Update Your System Software, follow these quick steps:

1. Turn ROKU ON

2. Go to/Select HOME



3. Go (scroll) to and select SETTINGS



4. Go (scroll) to and select SYSTEM



5. Go (scroll) to and select SYSTEM UPDATE



6. Select CHECK NOW

Once you select CHECK NOW, your ROKU will search for any updates to the system software. If there is an update available, you will be able to choose to update it. The update (for us) took only a minute or so. The ROKU will restart itself after the update.

Following the update, navigate to the Tahoe TV app and you should have live streaming on our Lake Tahoe webcams!

NOTE: We are in the process of upgrading our ROKU app functionality, so you may see changes in the near future. To stay updated on any changes related to the Tahoe TV ROKU app, and provide any feedback, please subscribe to our Tahoe TV ROKU user email list on our Feedback page - simply type "Subscribe Roku" in the 'Your Comments' area.

Thank you for your patience, interest and support!

All the best,

The Tahoe TV/Tahoetopia Team 

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